Virtual Experiences


The Ronald Reagan Library is delighted to present to you in partnership with iThrive Games Foundation, our new Virtual Simulations. In these incredibly unique experiences, participants will use web-based technology to engage in using and interpreting critical documents and concepts as they interact in real-time with each other, face to face (vis-à-vis video conferencing). To reserve your experience, click here.

Lives in Balance

The Lives in Balance simulation places participants into a fictional, modern-day pandemic where they take on the role of either a state governor or U. S. government official. Over a span of 40 minutes, groups of participants will have to grapple with the decision between the reopening of the economy and the consideration of public health.

This simulation was recognized by the American Alliance of Museums for their 2021 MUSE Awards. It received the Gold MUSE Award and was described as turning "the 2020 COVID situation” into a meaningful learning opportunity in a contemporary, interactive way. By utilizing a live-action role-play-based digital platform they created a unique and empowering civic learning experience for students very relevant for the times."

Teachers, if you are running the Lives in Balance simulation with your students, please see the accompanying educational materials that may be used as stand-alone lessons or preparation activities.

Leading Through Crisis

In the Leading Through Crisis simulation, participants form teams and assume the roles of the President’s Cabinet in order to manage a modern constitutional crisis while their colleagues take on the parts of key news media members scrambling to cover the story as it unfolds. Participants must work together in groups of 6 in this high-stakes environment to examine numerous crises and make important decisions about developing events. 

Teachers, if you are running the Leading Through Crisis simulation with your students, please see the accompanying educational materials that may be used as stand-alone lessons or preparation activities.

Follow the Facts

In the Follow the Facts simulation participants will take on the roles of reporters as they determine how to cover an incoming natural disaster. Participants work together in groups of 5 to hunt down leads, find the most reliable sources, and separate fact from falsehood.

Teachers, if you are running the Follow the Facts simulation with your students, please see the accompanying educational materials that may be used as stand-alone lessons or preparation activities.