Role Assignment
In order for your students to participate in the simulation, their instructor must fill this Role Assignment Guide, a critical “before you visit” document that Situation Room staff need returned upon your visit.
This document is meant to assist the educator with assigning their students ideal roles within the simulation. Any questions may be addressed during our webinar, when this document will be covered extensively.
Pre-Visit Activities
Almost all of these materials may be used as stand-alone lessons or in preparation for a Situation Room visit.
The pre-visit PowerPoint and role sheets are considered the minimum required prior to your visit and are vital to a successful experience.
The pre-visit PowerPoint is designed to introduce your students to the major curricular topics addressed in the Situation Room Experience.
Time Expected: 30 minutes
Grade Levels: 11-12
The student role explanations packet contains a write-up of each of the 48 unique roles in the simulation. Ask each student to review the explanation sheet corresponding with the character they have been assigned.
Time Expected: 10-15 minutes
Grade Levels: High School and University
Jumping into 1793 isn't easy, let alone to lead the country. These additional materials were created to prepare your students for the simulation and help them to understand the 18th century perspective.
This exercise will introduce students to two key concepts in the simulation.
Time Expected: 20 minutes
Grade Levels: 6-12
Cockades will be handed out and used in the “Washington’s Cabinet.” This worksheet will help students understand the purpose of cockades.
Time Expected: 10 minutes
Grade Levels: 6-12
The pre-visit bibliography is a list of suggested primary source documents to explore prior to your visit.
Time Expected: Varies
Grade Levels: High School-University
How to Read a Document Guide and Workbook: George Washington’s Cabinet
How to Read a Document Guide and Workbook: George Washington’s Cabinet
The “How to Read” a document series introduces students to a series of visual guides and helpful hints designed to support the reading of primary sources. The “George Washington’s Cabinet” guide includes artwork, maps and documents. Additionally, engage your students in “Make Your Own Political Cartoon” activity.
Time Expected: 10-20 minutes per document; 45 minutes for entire guide and workbook.
Grade Level: 9-12
The following infographics will be used in the “George Washington’s Cabinet” simulation. Studying them in advance of your visit will help your students become more confident in their roles and in their decision-making.
Federalists/Democratic Republicans
This infographic highlights the significant differences between the two contemporary parties on key eighteenth-century issues.
This map highlights the economic interdependence among nations in the eighteenth century.
This chart outlines the course of legislation in the “George Washington’s Cabinet” scenario.
This infographic defines the term “privateer.”
Post-Visit Activities
After the simulation, you will receive a link to access analytics for your group's experience. You will be able to see the choices your students made during the simulation and use this information to foster discussion.
The Situation Room Experience also provides you with several lessons plans and materials that delve further into the themes, challenges, and historical content of the simulation.
Students will analyze primary source documents to gain an understanding of the United States’ stance on foreign relations in the 1790’s, particularly in regards to the French Revolution. Students will examine how Washington’s decisions about foreign policy were shaped by the unique circumstances of the time and how the significance of these choices has changed over time.
Time Expected: 50 - 80 minutes
Grade Levels: 11-12 Grade
These document excerpts are meant to be used in conjunction with the post-visit lesson plan.
Time Expected: See “Post-Visit Lesson Plan” above.
Grade Levels: 11-12 Grade
The post-visit bibliography provides sourcing for the list of documents used in the post-visit lesson plan.
Time Expected: Varies
Grade Levels: 11- University
Use primary sources such as political cartoons and letters from heads of state to explore American foreign policy in the late 18th century. Then compare the foreign policies or President Washington to President Ronald Reagan.
Time Expected: 1.5 hours
Suggested Grade Level: University
Additional Resources
Use this resource page to examine free resources across the internet, providing additional information and critical thinking exercises.
Time Expected: Varies
Grade Levels: 9-12
The Situation Room Experience: Washington's Cabinet is aligned with national, California, Maryland, and Virginia standards for History-Social Science Content and English-Language Arts.
The file contains a list of standards alignments with multiple states.